New York City Bicycle Accident Attorney
As a biking enthusiast, we appreciate the fun and exhilaration that biking in New York City brings to you. Many operators of vehicles fail to appreciate the term “share the road.” In fact, many cars, taxis, Uber drivers, truckers, and even buses, ignore the fact that bicyclists are entitled to the same privileges and benefits of the road. Its no wonder that so many law binding bicyclists are violently struck by vehicles and suffer needless serious and permanent injuries. We understand the biking laws in New York, and have represented many injured bicyclists in court. As New York City Bicycle Accident Attorneys, we encourage you to take advantage of our 37 years of experience handling biking accident cases. Our bicycle accident team at Michael Gunzburg, P.C., has handled all types of cases involving bicycle accidents. These include bicyclists struck by taxis, struck by trucks, run over by New York City Transit Buses, had passenger doors swung into their lane of moving traffic, bicyclists forced into street holes, and even bicyclists struck by drunk drivers.
As avid bicyclists, we look out to protect you and your case, handle your case in court and guide you and your case down the path of greatest success. We know what it takes to successfully prosecute your case in the courthouse, and we take the routes of least resistance, keep pace with your case throughout the court system, until we cross over the finish line together. We keep pedaling all the way until the end of your case. With 37 years of experience handling Bicycle Accident cases, we know what you need to succeed.
Has someone you know suffered from a bicycling accident? Are you an injured biker? If so, contact us, an experienced New York City bicycle accident lawyer today.
- Bicycle Bridge Accident
- Bicycle Broken Arm Accident
- Bicycle Broken Leg Accident
- Bicycle Broken Shoulder Accident
- Bicycle Broken Wrist Accident
- Bicycle Catastrophic Injury
- Bicycle Death Accident
- Bicycle Food Delivery Accident
- Bicycle Killed Accident
- Bicycle Lane Accident
- Bicycle Serious Injury
- Bicycle Wrongful Death Accident
What To Do After A Bike Accident
Being hit by a car or another vehicle while riding your bike is a scary experience. Avid bicyclists should arm themselves with information as to what to do after a bike accident in the event that they become the victim of this type of situation.
Most bicycle accidents happen in New York City when a motor vehicle driver fails to yield the right of way at an intersection or suddenly turns into the path of a bicyclist. The results aren’t pretty. According to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, there were over 5,000 bicycle-motor vehicle crashes in New York State, and 47 of those involved the death of the bicyclist. There is a definite trend that shows an increase of bicycle and motor vehicle crash fatalities. The New York City Department of Transportation also raises its concern:
- Over 3,600 bicyclists were seriously injured in motor vehicle crashes from 1996-2003.
- Nearly all bicyclist fatalities (92 percent) occurred as a result of a crash with a motor vehicle.
- Most bicyclists who died were male (91 percent) and were between the age of 45-54.
- Queens had the highest child bicyclist death rate of all five boroughs.
At Michael Gunzburg, P.C., our experienced and trusted attorneys are dedicated to helping individuals understand their rights and options after a bicycle or other motor vehicle accident. We are on your side every step of the way.
We recommend that you take the following steps if you find yourself hit by a car:
- Seek medical attention. If you are seriously injured, paramedics and other emergency personnel should be called to the scene of the bicycle accident. If you can walk away from the accident, it is essential that you still seek a doctor’s evaluation. Many serious injuries may not be immediately apparent and can be discovered through a thorough physical assessment. In addition, documentation from your doctor can be crucial in constructing a personal injury case.
- Call the police. Regardless of whether or not you are injured, law enforcement should be called to the scene of the accident. There they can document your statement, the negligent party’s statement and any witness statements, as well as their neutral assessment of the accident scene and any additional impressions.
- Gather evidence. If you are able to, it is important to document the accident scene. Cellphone cameras are great for this, as photos are the best way to show the end position of the car or other vehicle that struck you while you were on your bike. Also, obtaining the driver’s information may allow you to contact him or her regarding financial and personal losses that are sustained from the accident. Witness contact information is helpful as well.
- Seek help from a lawyer. To ensure your rights are protected after you have been injured, enlist an attorney. Without a lawyer on your side, you may be facing an uphill battle in the fight to recover for your losses. Our firm works tirelessly to see that our clients get the compensation they deserve after they have been the victim of someone else’s negligence. We handle the legal details so you can focus on healing and moving forward with your life.
How We Can Help
Our firm is committed to seeking compensation from any and all negligent parties, including careless drivers and other bicyclists and their insurance companies. It may be possible to recover compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages, medical expenses and property damage, such as bike damage, as a result of the accident.
Bicycle Accident Information
New Yorkers love to bicycle ride, and its one of the best methods of getting around New York City. With the construction of many new bike friendly street improvements, and Citibikes practically on every corner, New Yorkers have chosen biking over gas guzzling motor vehicles. But let’s face it, if you take a bike to get to the same place as a car in New York City, you will probably arrive in ½ the time (if not sooner). According to the Department of Health, more than ½ million adult New Yorkers use their bicycles more than twice a month for exercise or transportation.
Like many other large cities, New York City has seen a tremendous surge in bicyclists taking to the roads just in the past four years. Even though there are improved Bicycle friendly street planning, an extensive bike sharing system like Citibike, bicycles are still subject to the risks of the road, namely being violently struck by a motor vehicle, a taxi, a car, a bus, a truck, and yes, even a tractor trailer.
If you or a loved one were involved in a bicycle accident or were struck by a taxi, car, bus, a truck, or even a tractor trailer, call us for a free initial consultation: You can also contact us online. If we take the case, there are no legal fees unless we are successful. As avid New York City bicycle riders, we have over 37 years of trial experience representing people involved in bicycle accidents throughout all five boroughs of New York City.
Recent Bicycle Accident Case
We just recently successfully resolved a bicycle crash against a New York City Transit Authority Bus for over $1,000,000 at trial. Josh, a 29 year old installer of high end entertainment systems and a trained web designer, was riding a new mountain bike that he purchased that day along with a new helmet. He was riding along Fifth Avenue between 40 th and 41 st Streets in front of the main branch of the New York Public Library. As he passed in front of the Library, a New York City Transit Authority bus, operated by an unidentified driver, was literally pursuing the Josh from the rear of his bike. The bus was moving at approximately 30 mph hour and was only centimeters off of Josh’s rear tire. Josh could literally hear the engine revving, and the operator did not sound his horn or slow down.
To avert being crushed by the bus, the Josh tried to jump the curb but came crashing down onto the cement sidewalk onto his right dominant arm and sustained high impact fractures. Josh stated that when he heard his bones break it sounded like a tree branch snapping in two. He testified that he was lying in a pool of blood and that his right hand could touch his right elbow. An independent eyewitness, Jane Doe, was waiting for her bus home to Staten Island and she witnessed the entire event. She and a number of other people called for the police and an ambulance. The police arrived and prepared a report. The bus operator was never identified. The bus operator pulled up to the curb, picked up his passengers and drove away.
Josh was transported to New York Presbyterian Hospital on East 70th Street in Manhattan. Josh was taken to the emergency room where he waited about 1 hour for assistance and then was finally seen by a nurse and given morphine by IV for his arm pain. After X-rays were taken, the Josh was diagnosed with multiple fractures of the radius and ulna bones of his right dominant arm, and a displaced right wrist. He was treated by two residents who initially attempted a closed reduction surgery which plaintiff described as medieval torture. The procedure of initial reduction procedure failed. As a result, Josh was admitted into the hospital and the next morning was seen by an attending orthopedic surgeon. The surgeon performed an open reduction internal fixation surgery under a local anesthesia block and a sedative. The surgeon reduced and aligned the radial and ulna bones and inserted a plate and 6 screws to the radius and a plate and 6 screws to the ulna bone. The surgeon also realigned and set the displaced right wrist fracture. Josh received an ace bandage to his right upper extremity, was placed on pain killers, instructed to get bed rest, keep his arm elevated and given ice to reduce the swelling. After 4 more days in the hospital, Josh was finally discharged home. Before discharge he was fitted in a long arm cast for 6 weeks in the supine position, with his hand facing the ceiling.
Josh went from a long arm cast to a short arm muenster cast to eventually an orthotic splint. After about 8-10 weeks, the Josh underwent 10 occupational therapy sessions at the hospital. He was then given a home exercise program. Josh also testified at trial that since his bones were not healing as expected, the doctor prescribed for him to take by injection into his stomach every day for 30 straight days a bone supplement medication.
Josh eventually returned after several months following his accident to work on a part time basis, but was unable to perform many of his job functions including lifting objects over 25 pounds. When he returned to his position as a high end entertainment installer, his boss hired a helper to assist him, and also hired another employee to compete with him in the same position. After about 1 1/2 years, he was not able to sustain his employment and he was let go. He also tried to return to work as a web designer, but after a few months of doing that position he came to the realization that he was unable to use his right dominant arm in anything that required heavy lifting or repetitive use of his wrist and arm. His surgeon testified that the plaintiff presented with a permanent disability to his right arm, that he needed another surgery to remove the plates and screws, that he had a crepitus condition over his right arm which created a grinding sensation which was painful especially when he used his fingers on the mouse and keyboard. He reported that he could only use the keyboard for a limited period of time up to two hours per day and then he would have to stop and take breaks by running hot water over his arm and for relief. His surgeon also testified that while he achieved excellent realigned of his bones, he had soft tissue injuries to his tendons, ligaments and muscles which were permanent. Even with additional surgery, this permanent condition may improve somewhat, but Josh would never be normal. In addition, the surgeon testified that Josh presented with the early onset of arthritis in his wrist which over time and since plaintiff was young, the older he got the worse it would get.
The jury returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff and awarded him over $1,000,000. The award included both past and future medical expenses, pain and suffering, and a future lost wage component. Other than the reduction of future medical expenses, all post trial motions were denied. The jury was unanimous on all questions. As you can see from Josh’s case, we have extensive experience in handling complex and serious bicycle accidents.
New York City Bicycle Accidents FAQs
Who can be considered liable in a bicycle accident?
Depending on the specific circumstance of your case, you may be able to file suit against multiple parties, including but not limited to:
- Negligent drivers of automobiles, buses, or trucks
- Negligent manufacturers or retailers of bicycles, bicycle parts, bicycle accessories and/or vehicles
- The City, County, or State who maintains the roadways
- Owners of the residential or commercial property who maintain the property where the accident occurred
What if I was partly at fault for the accident?
In New York State, you are allowed to file a claim against others for your injuries, even if you were partly at fault for the accident which resulted in the injury. At the time of trial, while the jury may find that you were comparatively negligent, it may also find the other parties responsible for your accident.
Is there any way that I can have my medical expenses covered?
If your injury was caused by an accident which involved an automobile, then that vehicle’s no-fault coverage may be liable for your lost wages and all “reasonable and necessary medical expenses” related to the accident.
What type of damages can I recover for in a bicycle accident?
You can recover your past and future medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering, and any accident related expenses (including out of pocket expenses for transportation, medications, medical coverage, modalities or equipment, and even to replace your damaged bicycle).
When you need a lawyer, get the Big Gunz™
For a New York City Personal Injury Lawyer , and a New York City Medical Malpractice Lawyer in New York City including Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island, call 212-725-8500 to schedule a free initial consultation or submit your information and questions online.
Let us lead you to the best route of success!
The City of New York is continuously working to promote a safer biking environment by providing bicycle paths, striped lanes, installing bicycle parking racks, promoting bike routes in the City, and conducting safety and traffic programs for both children and adults. Sharing the road is vital to a bicyclist’s safety and survival, and that is why the law imposes a duty on motor vehicle drivers to exercise due care on our roadways. As avid bicyclists, we understand what it’s like to ride a bicycle on a New York City roadway. Let us represent you in Court and convey to the Court and the jury what its really like to ride on the road in New York City.
Our mission as New York City Bicycle Accident Attorneys is to give you the best personal service available, communicate with you regularly, and strive to get you the best possible outcome on your case. We are dedicated to providing our clients a wealth of bike accident information, including information on what to do after a bicycle accident and what to do if you are involved in a Citi Bike accident.
Serving All Major Boroughs Of New York City
- Manhattan
- Brooklyn
- Queens
- Bronx
- Staten Island
Get In Touch With Us Today
If you or a loved one has been involved in a bicycle accident, contact our experienced New York City Bicycle Accident Lawyers today at 212-725-8500.