Another Elevator Accident Leaves Man Dead In Brooklyn

Most of us never think twice about getting into an elevator. The truth is that these devices can cause injuries or even death. This has happened on numerous occasions across New York, and it is an issue that needs to be addressed. While there is not much that can soothe a person who has lost a loved one due to an elevator accident, surviving family members have the option to take legal action and recover compensation.
If you have lost a loved one or been injured in a New York elevator accident, you should reach out to a qualified, experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. With the right legal assistance, you can hold negligent parties accountable and receive considerable compensation for your damages. If victims do not take legal action against those responsible, elevator accidents will continue to be a threat to innocent and unsuspecting New Yorkers.
Another Fatal Elevator Accident in Brooklyn
In March of 2021, it was reported that a man had tragically lost his life in Brooklyn after a fatal elevator accident. The man was the assistant superintendent of a 6-story apartment building, and he was trying to retrieve a lost cell phone from the bottom of the elevator pit when he was killed. Another tenant had accidently dropped the cell phone into the elevator pit, and the superintendent was trying to access it via the elevator machine room in the basement.
While the superintendent was in the shaft, the elevator was called to a different floor. This caused him to become tangled in the machinery. He was eventually crushed. The tenant was also injured, and the New York City Department of Buildings later launched an official investigation.
When Can I Sue After an Elevator Accident?
You can sue after an elevator accident in a number of different situations. In the above example, the superintendent was killed while on the job. This means that his loved ones can file a claim through workers’ compensation and receive financial assistance including lost wages and medical related expenses.
You can sue even if you were partly to blame for your own injuries. Some might argue that this man shouldn’t have entered the elevator shaft to retrieve the cell phone. However, his loved ones could theoretically still receive compensation even if the court found that he was partly responsible. New York is a “pure comparative fault” state, which means plaintiffs can receive compensation even if they are 99%responsible for their own injuries.
You might also argue that the elevator malfunctioned somehow. If you can prove this, you could file a product liability lawsuit against the manufacturer of the elevator. In addition, you could also sue the elevator maintenance company if they failed to properly maintain the elevator or caused the incident to occur. In short, there are many ways to receive compensation after an elevator accident.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
If you need professional legal help, contact New York City personal injury lawyer Michael Gunzburg, P.C. Thanks to a wealth of experience in a wide range of different personal injury cases, The Gunzburg Law Firm has the skills and the knowledge to help you with your elevator injury claim. These negligent parties need to be held accountable for these easily predictable and easily preventable tragedies. Reach out today, and we’ll help you fight for justice.