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New York City Medical Malpractice Lawyer > Holliswood Hospital Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Holliswood Hospital Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Medical errors are a leading cause of death in the United States, and even those who survive can face years of rehabilitation and difficulty returning to normal. Patients go to the hospital when they feel sick with the hopes of being made well. Sadly, too many end up in worse shape because they did not receive the competent care they expected.

Call Michael Gunzburg, P.C. to discuss your case. A Holliswood hospital medical malpractice lawyer can analyze the facts to determine your legal rights. Did your doctor tell you everything was fine and send you home—only for you to have a stroke soon after? Did a scan come back showing no signs of cancer—only for you to be diagnosed a month later with an inoperable tumor? These are common occurrences, and you might have legal remedies. Let us discuss what happened and how we can help.

Why You Should Choose Michael Gunzburg, P.C.

We are the right choice for patients who are injured and need legal assistance:

  • Our firm has helped New York patients for more than three decades. We have seen every type of case come through our door!
  • We know how to negotiate with hospitals and their insurers, but we are also sure-footed in the courtroom if we need to litigate our way to victory.
  • Our founder, Michael Gunzburg, has tackled every sort of case, from the “simplest” personal injury dispute to the most complex.
  • We have obtained more than $100 million for our injured clients in compensation for their injuries. This money has covered lost income, additional medical care, and pain and suffering, among other damages.
  • Our firm doesn’t accept every case or every client who reaches out to us. We only agree to represent someone if we believe in the strength of their legal claim.
  • You will receive passionate legal advocacy on your behalf, using the most recent legal developments to your advantage.
  • We are affordable! Our contingency fee agreements allow us to immediately begin serving you without any upfront legal fees. We’ll agree to take a percentage of any award or settlement we win for you—it’s that easy.
  • You have nothing to lose by calling. We don’t charge for a consultation, and you aren’t locked into hiring us. Let us discuss your case to find out whether you can sue.
  • We maintain client confidentiality. Many people are embarrassed to discuss a sensitive medical or psychological issue. You can rest assured that we won’t reveal confidential information without your permission.

Ready to Find Out More? Call Our Holliswood Hospital Medical Malpractice Lawyers

We are accepting new clients injured at Holliswood or any of New York City’s other hospitals. You should have an experienced malpractice attorney on your team who can shepherd your case through the legal process.

Give us a call to schedule a meeting with a Holliswood Hospital medical malpractice lawyer. We bring decades of experience to every legal dispute, and we have an impressive track record of obtaining maximum compensation for our clients under the circumstances.

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