Interrogatories in Your New York City Medical Malpractice Case – What Are They and How Do You Respond?

One thing that some New York City medical malpractice victims may be surprised to learn after they file a medical malpractice lawsuit in civil court is that they may be served with discovery requests by the defendant doctor, hospital, or medical team. With a pile of documents in hand (or in an email inbox), New York City medical malpractice victims who have received discovery requests from the other side may feel panicked and not know what to do. However, the truth of the matter is that discovery is an important part of a medical malpractice lawsuit in New York City, and injured patient-plaintiffs must respond to discovery requests propounded to them.
One category of discovery requests that are commonly served on injured-patient victims in New York City medical malpractice cases is called “interrogatories.” But what are interrogatories, and how should a New York City medical malpractice victim respond to them? We answer those questions here.
What are Interrogatories in a New York City Medical Malpractice Case?
As a preliminary matter, New York City medical malpractice patients should know that interrogatories are a set of written questions that a party to lawsuit propounds on another party to the lawsuit to get information about that party’s claims and/or defenses to the lawsuit. Under New York City laws, if a plaintiff is served interrogatories by a defendant, the plaintiff must respond to the interrogatories under the court rules. If the plaintiff fails to respond to the interrogatories, or does so after the time limits imposed by the court rules, any objections to the interrogatories may be deemed to be “waived.” Accordingly, it is important that New York City medical malpractice litigants be aware of the importance of interrogatories in their case, and respond in a timely manner. In addition, plaintiff-patients may serve interrogatories and other discovery requests on defendant doctors and the hospital. In sum, interrogatories may be used as a “sword” and as a “shield” in New York City medical malpractice cases.
Responding to Interrogatories in Your New York City Medical Malpractice Case
If you were served with discovery requests, such as interrogatories, in your New York City medical malpractice case, it is important to consult with an experienced New York City medical malpractice lawyer as soon as possible. The answers that you provide to interrogatories served upon you can greatly impact your New York City medical malpractice case, so it is best to respond with the assistance of an experienced New York City medical malpractice lawyer by your side. The experienced New York City medical malpractice lawyers at the law firm of Michael Gunzburg, P.C. are here to help victims of medical malpractice in New York City get justice for their injuries caused by negligent doctors and medical professionals. Do not hesitate to speak with a lawyer about your case today. Contact the experienced New York City medical malpractice lawyers at the law office of Michael Gunzburg, P.C. and speak to a lawyer now.