New York City Cracks Down on Property Owners Who Fail to Clear Ice – Commercial Property Owners May Face Liability for Slip and Fall Accidents

Almost one year ago, news spread across New York City that the City’s efforts to keep ice and snow off busy city streets was ramping up. According to local news reports, in January, 2024, New York City sent a message to its residents: “property owners must clear their sidewalks; it’s city laws, and failure to comply could cost you.” New York City residents voiced their concerns about icy, slick, and slippery sidewalks that could cause serious slip and fall accidents. One New York City resident, Luis Alvarez, said of the wintery conditions on New York City sidewalks, “I didn’t want to hurt myself and be injured, so I walked on the street.” He also added that the icy conditions on New York’s streets can cause serious injuries, noting, “Sometimes it’s ice, you might not necessarily see it, and whoop, you find yourself in the air.” Another New York City resident named Ted said, “It’s a little bit dangerous. You take a fall here, you could break a hip, you could break an arm. It’s very dangerous.” Another resident who was asked “How have the sidewalks been for you?” During the New York City winter replied, “Pretty rough, actually. I’ve actually fallen twice already.” The bottom line is that icy, slick, and slippery sidewalks and walking surfaces are no joke, and serious injuries, such as sprains, broken bones, head injuries, nerve damage, and other serious injuries can occur when New York City sidewalks and walking surfaces are negligently managed in inclement conditions.
Commercial Building Owners May be Liable for Slip and Fall Injuries
In light of the fact that New York City sidewalks and walking surfaces are notoriously dangerous in the winter, due to the collection of ice and snow that contributes to slippery, wet ground and floors, it is important for New York City residents to know about their rights under New York laws if they are injured in a serious slip and fall accident. Under New York premises liability laws, commercial property owners and business owners who fail to maintain safe properties for their customers and business patrons may be liable if a customer or patron is injured in a slip and fall accident. Victims of slip and fall accidents in New York City may be entitled to money compensation for their injuries and losses caused by negligent commercial building or business property owners. This compensation may include compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost wages, and more. In order to determine whether you may be entitled to compensation for your slip and fall injuries in New York City, it is best to speak with an experienced New York City slip and fall lawyer about your rights and options.
The experienced New York City slip and fall lawyers at the law firm of Michael Gunzburg, P.C. are here to help victims of slip and fall accidents get justice against negligent property owners. Do not hesitate to speak to a lawyer about your case today. Contact Michael Gunzburg, P.C. and discuss your case with a lawyer today.