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New York City Medical Malpractice Lawyer > New York City Failure to Yield Lawyer

New York City Failure to Yield Lawyer

Car accidents are usually the result of a driver failing to obey the “rules of the road,” i.e., New York’s traffic laws. One of the most common examples is a driver’s failure to yield the right of way. Even though everyone who has a driver’s license should understand–and follow–these basic safety rules, we continue to see right-of-way violations that lead to otherwise preventable collisions.

Even under New York’s no-fault insurance rules, there are accidents where a driver can be held financially responsible to accident victims for their losses. Our New York City failure to yield lawyer can help. Michael Gunzburg, P.C., is a dedicated New York personal injury firm with nearly 37 years of experience assisting clients throughout the five boroughs who have been seriously injured in an auto accident. We can assess whether a driver’s failure to yield, or any other traffic violation, was the proximate cause of your accident, and if so, determine how much that driver may owe you under the law.

When Do You Have–or Not Have–the Right of Way in New York City?

Right of way is not a “right” in the same sense as your right to free speech or your right to a fair trial if accused of a crime. Rather, right of way refers to the conditions under which one vehicle has preference to proceed under local traffic rules. In New York State, Article 26 of the Vehicle & Traffic Law establishes the right of way in certain circumstances.

Among the common right-of-way rules under Article 26 are the following:

  • A driver approaching an intersection shall yield the right of way to a vehicle that has entered the intersection from a different highway.
  • If two vehicles enter the same intersection from different highways at the same time, the driver on the left shall yield the right of way to the driver on the right.
  • A driver intending to turn left at an intersection shall yield the right of way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction.
  • A driver who sees an emergency vehicle with their sirens or emergency lights activated shall yield the right of way by pulling as close as possible to the right side, allowing the emergency vehicle to pass.
  • A driver must slow down or move over when approaching any parked, stopped, or standing emergency vehicle.

It is important to note that right of way is not a license to engage in otherwise reckless driving. That is to say, even if a driver technically has the right of way, they should not assert it when they know it could cause an accident or put anyone’s safety at risk.

Reach Out to Our New York City Failure to Yield Lawyer

A negligent driver who fails to yield the right of way and causes an accident may be held legally and financially responsible for their victims’ medical bills, loss of income, pain and suffering, and other economic or non-economic damages under New York law. An experienced New York City failure to yield lawyer can advise you further on this and many other subjects. Call Michael Gunzburg, P.C., at 212-725-8500 today to schedule a free initial consultation.

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