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New York City Medical Malpractice Lawyer > North Central Bronx Hospital Medical Malpractice Lawyer

North Central Bronx Hospital Medical Malpractice Lawyer

The North Central Bronx Hospital is a facility owned by the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation. The facility is located in the Norwood section of the Bronx and it was first opened in 1976, taking the place of Morrisania and Fordham Hospitals. According to the most recent data, the facility treats approximately 58,000 emergency room patients and admits more than 7,500 patients. Doctors at the facility also perform, on average, 900 inpatient surgeries and more than 2,000 outpatient surgeries.

The hospital also delivers more than 1,600 babies every year, and maintains 232 staffed beds. Patients often use the facility to obtain the pulmonary, cardiology, and blood disorder care they need. Still, while the hospital is highly acclaimed, healthcare professionals in the facility can still act negligently. When they do, you can hold them liable for any injuries you suffered. Our North Central Bronx Hospital medical malpractice lawyer can help you do it.

When is North Central Bronx Hospital Vicariously Liable?

There are times when hospitals such as North Central Bronx can be held vicariously liable for the actions of their employees. Vicariously liable means that the hospital is responsible for their employees and as such, they are also at least partly liable when an employee acts negligently, or fails to act in a reasonable manner.

To determine if you can file a claim against the hospital, you must first determine if the medical professional who caused your injuries was an employee of the hospital. Nurses, physiotherapists, and other medical professionals are often employees of the hospitals they work for. Doctors, on the other hand, are often not employees but rather, private practitioners with privileges to work in a certain facility. Hospitals such as North Central Bronx are not liable for the actions or inactions of private practitioners.

Determining if Malpractice Occurred

It is important to understand that not all issues related to medical treatment are enough to file a medical malpractice claim. This means that doctors and other medical professionals are not required to provide flawless medical care to patients. For example, if a doctor successfully performs surgery on a patient, but more pain than anticipated is experienced, the patient cannot file a medical malpractice claim on that basis alone.

To file a claim against North Central Bronx Hospital for medical malpractice, you must prove that a healthcare professional employed by the facility failed to provide the reasonable standard of care typical within the medical field. Staying with the above example, if a doctor had left a medical tool inside of a patient, that is not a successful surgery. In this case, the patient could file a claim against North Bronx Central if the surgeon was an employee of the facility.

Our North Central Bronx Hospital Medical Malpractice Lawyer Can Determine Liability

There are many challenges when filing a malpractice claim, and determining liability is just one of them. At Michael Gunzburg, P.C., our North Central Bronx Hospital medical malpractice lawyer can determine who is to blame for your injuries and overcome the other challenges in these cases so you obtain the maximum compensation that is rightfully yours. Call us today at 212-725-8500 or contact us online to schedule a consultation and to learn more.

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