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New York City Medical Malpractice Lawyer > New York City Drug Clinical Trials Lawyer

New York City Drug Clinical Trials Lawyer

Pharmaceutical companies are required by the Food and Drug Administration to run clinical testing on proposed drugs (“investigational new drugs”). Frequently, a drug company will solicit people who are afflicted with the particular condition that its proposed drug was created to treat. Clinical trials vary greatly in size from a single researcher in one hospital or clinic to an international multicenter study with several hundred participating researchers, and the number of patients can range from as few as 30 to several thousand. The drug occasionally works as it was intended, but often the test subjects who take the drug during the clinical testing become sicker, develop unintended side effects and may be permanently stricken or disabled with no hope of relief. Federal law does not require the drug companies or their researchers to compensate participants harmed in clinical trials, but consent forms must explain whether compensation will be available for research-related injuries.

Are you seeking representation for a drug clinical trial injury? Contact us for a free consultation on your drug clinical trial injury today.

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The drug companies often provide consent forms and promise to pay for medical care that is required as a result of the clinical testing. But the wording in these consent forms is often confusing and vague. It can be unclear which research entity or drug company is responsible for the cost of subsequent care, how much that entity will pay and under what circumstances it is obligated to pay. When the volunteer patient is injured by the drug and files a claim, the drug company will often attempt to avoid responsibility and refer the patient’s claim to its legal counsel. Inevitably, the promises made are broken, and the volunteer’s medical condition continues unabated, often resulting in substantial medical bills. Ultimately exhausted from their condition, the patient is unable to fight the drug company to pay for the medical treatment it originally agreed to pay for. That is where we come in. We are experienced and equipped to handle cases where an individual has been injured by a drug company’s clinical trial. Even if the patient signed a consent form, these forms can form the basis for a successful recovery for the injury victim’s medical expenses, which can mount into significant sums of money. Sometimes the clinical drugs end up causing more damage than what they were intended to cure. A patient can be left with a lifetime of medical costs.

If you or a loved one suffered injuries from a drug company’s clinical trial that require medical treatment, contact us today.

Are you seeking representation for a drug clinical trial injury? Contact us for a free consultation on your drug clinical trial injury today!

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