New York City Failure to Diagnose Cancer Lawyer
After 37 years of experience handling failure to diagnose cancer cases, we understand that people, men and women, feel completely betrayed by their doctor. Imagine, you go to your doctor and complain about your condition, and the doctor even goes so far as to touch the area of complaint, and feels it him or herself. However, the doctor fails to follow up and fails to take the next step, whatever that step should have been, a mammogram, a sonogram, a biopsy, a blood test, whatever, to simply diagnose your complaints and your known physical condition. I mean, all you wanted to know is, “Was my physical condition cancer or not?”
We have heard plenty of the excuses from doctors over time, Oh it was only a fibroma, or it was just a benign cyst, it was a yeast infection, or it looked benign to me but come back in 6 months- every excuse in the book. What the doctor never told you is that your physical condition is cancer. More importantly, your doctor never did any testing on the physical condition to rule out cancer as a possible diagnosis. You feel not only totally betrayed by your doctor- the person you trusted with your life- but completed devastated by your diagnosis and the impact it now has on your life, and your ultimate survival. We have successfully represented many women and men who have gone through this horrible experience. Believe it or not, even in this day of “modern medicine” this situation happens all too often. We understand what you are going through, and we tell our clients that they should focus on their medical care. That you should get the surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments needed to properly address your medical condition, and let us focus on prosecuting your legal case.
According to the American Cancer Society, one in three Americans will develop cancer over the course of their lifetime. There are more than 200 kinds of cancers that can occur in the body as a result of the interaction among genetic factors, personal and family history, age and environmental factors, including lifestyle and health habits. Of these, some of the most common forms of cancer include breast, lung, cervical, prostate, ovarian and colorectal.
If you have been misdiagnosed, or your doctor failed to properly and timely diagnose your cancer, then contact us, New York City Failure to Diagnose Cancer Lawyers? Contact Michael Gunzburg, P.C., today for a free consultation.
When you need a lawyer, get the Big Gunz™ 
We have handled all different sorts of failure to diagnose cancer cases including Breast Cancer, Vulva & Vaginal Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, and Colorectal Cancer. We understand that early diagnosis leads to faster treatments, better outcomes, and increased chances of survival. That is why they say that “Early Detection of Breast Cancer Saves Lives.” The same concepts applies to most cancers.
An experienced Cancer Lawyer can help guide your case to a successful resolution.
Based on our experience, we also know that it is very important to hire us and get us involved as soon as possible in your case. We have seen medical professionals do all sorts of things when they suspect a lawsuit. We have seen doctors change their medical records and add language that was never recorded at the time of treatment, had doctors “lose” their sonogram films so no one could confirm their claimed diagnosis of no cancer, bury important correspondence, pull important records from the patient’s chart, alter medical charts to reflect events that never took place, indicated that tests were taken but as it turned out the doctor never billed for those claimed tests. This is why it is important to hire us right away. This gives us the chance to secure the records and take a hard look at them while the ink is still fresh on the medical charts. It’s only after 37 years of seeing so many different situations that we can quickly recognize a potential cover up situation. Unfortunately this situation happens more often that you can imagine. We stand ready to meet with you, evaluate your claim, and help guide you through the legal system. We strive to get you the best possible outcome in your case.
We represent Cancer clients in the following matters:
- Failure to diagnose breast cancer
- Misdiagnosis of breast cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Colon cancer
- Lung cancer
- Ovarian cancer
- Pancreatic cancer
- Skin cancer
- Testicular cancer
- Thyroid cancer
- Vaginal cancer
- Vulva cancer
At Michael Gunzburg, P.C., we understand that cancer patients are fighting two battles, one for their lives and the other for justice against the doctors, the diagnostic facilities, and the hospital that violated their trust. As experienced New York City Failure to Diagnose Cancer Lawyers, we stand ready to help guide you through the legal system and strive to get you the most compensation available on your case.
New York City Failure to Diagnose Cancer FAQ
Do I have a case?
In a failure to diagnose cancer case, you must prove that the medical provider did not follow the accepted standard of care and skill that a reasonably competent and skilled medical care professional would have provided under similar circumstances. This is known as deviating from the “reasonable standard of care.” If you have been misdiagnosed, or your doctor failed to properly and timely diagnose your cancer, call us at Michael Gunzburg P.C! We have represented many men and women in failure to diagnose cancer cases, and can reasonably quickly evaluate your claim and determine whether the doctors were negligent and failed to comport with the standards of care in your medical community.
What types of damages can I recover for in a failure to diagnose cancer claim?
If you cancer was misdiagnosed, or your doctor failed to properly and timely diagnose your cancer, you may be entitled to recover damages on multiple grounds such as medical expenses for treating the injuries caused by the failure to diagnose or timely diagnose including pain and suffering, lost wages, plastic or cosmetic surgery that was required, and even multiple additional surgeries. We have also represented many clients and their families in wrongful death cases as well where the future economic losses and the support of family members plays a greater role in the damages recovery for the Estate and the surviving heirs.
Contact Michael Gunzburg, P.C., To Learn More
If you want to speak directly to an experienced Cancer Lawyer serving Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island, call 212-725-8500 to schedule a free initial consultation or submit your information and questions online.