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New York City Medical Malpractice Lawyer > New York City Failure to Diagnose Vulvar Cancer Lawyer

New York City Failure to Diagnose Vulvar Cancer Lawyer

When 51-year-old Ms. Santos, a widow and real estate broker, went to see her gynecologist, Dr. Frank, due to a lesion on her vulva, she was relieved to find out she had nothing more serious than a yeast infection. She was prescribed antifungal cream and sent home. A week later, the clinic sent her a letter telling her that she should return in six months’ time for another Pap smear.

The letter left out one important fact: that Ms. Santos’ Pap smear had come back negative for a yeast infection and positive for high-risk HPV, which has been linked to increased risk of cervical cancer.

Never receiving a phone call or additional correspondence from Dr. Frank, Ms. Santos returned to the clinic seven and a half months later, and was seen by a different OB-GYN. This doctor noted that she had a “hard, raised angry lesion” and “vaginal discharge and irritation” that were consistent with vulva cancer.

The OB-GYN promptly performed a biopsy, then referred Ms. Santos to an oncological OB-GYN at a nearby hospital. The doctor at the hospital noted that his patient presented “with vulva pressure for six months,” and noticed, “a vulva growth for the last two months.” He performed a biopsy which came back positive for “probable vulva cancer, Stage III with vaginal involvement.”

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Ms. Santos underwent a radical vulvectomy which left her with permanent, gross deformities. In the following two months she underwent 28 radiation therapy treatments and later went through vaginal reconstruction surgery at the advice of her doctor.

Sadly, the growth of Ms. Santos’ cancer to Stage III could have been avoided with a correct diagnosis by Dr. Frank. Instead, her situation was mismanaged and misdiagnosed. Not only was Ms. Santos left physically debilitated, but emotionally as well. After the surgery her boyfriend ended their relationship due to Ms. Santos’ physical deformity.

Ms. Santos contacted New York City vulvar cancer misdiagnosis attorney, Michael Gunzburg, and sued Dr. Frank and the clinic for medical malpractice. She was awarded a settlement of $1.2 million.

Fortunately, vaginal cancer or vulva cancer is not a common affliction — it occurs mainly in women over age 50. And, if your doctor detects it early enough, it is often curable. The bad news? Sometimes doctors can give a delayed diagnosis, and you are left to suffer. According to the National Cancer Institute, there were 2,210 new cases of vaginal, vulva and other female genital cancers in the U.S.

If you are one of the unlucky women who has had her situation compounded by a delayed diagnosis, you should call Manhattan Vulva Cancer Lawyer, Michael Gunzburg, P.C.

How Can You Reduce Your Risk Of Vulva Cancer?

Follow this advice from the Mayo Clinic:

  • Undergo regular pelvic exams and Pap tests. You can increase the chance that vaginal cancer is discovered early by having routine pelvic exams and Pap tests. When discovered in its earliest stages, vaginal cancer is more likely to be cured. Doctors recommend women begin having pelvic exams soon after they’ve begun having sexual intercourse and start Pap tests at age 21. Discuss with your doctor how often you should undergo these tests.
  • Ask your doctor about the HPV vaccine. Receiving a vaccination to prevent HPV infection may reduce your risk of vaginal cancer and other HPV-related cancers. Ask your doctor whether an HPV vaccine is appropriate for you.
  • Don’t smoke. If you smoke, quit. If you don’t smoke, don’t start. Smoking increases the risk of vaginal cancer.

As experienced New York City vaginal cancer lawyers, we bring our proven track record to your case. We have a small group of dedicated New York City vulva cancer lawyers who will help secure your medical charts, analyze your situation and represent you in court. We also have unique and proven methods of presenting your case to the jury which at the same time protect your privacy, your dignity and effectively convey your sensitive situation to both the judge and jury. Let our decades of courtroom experience work to your advantage.

Contact Our Manhattan Vulva Cancer Lawyer

For a personalized, efficient NY law firm serving Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island, call 212-725-8500 to schedule a free initial consultation or submit your information and questions online.

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