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New York City Medical Malpractice Lawyer > New York City Insurance Lawyer

New York City Insurance Lawyer

Insurance companies are big business, and as such they care about one thing-their bottom line…not yours. No matter what catchy marketing campaign they used (“your in good hands” “like a good neighbor” “we’re your friends”) to grab your attention as a client, once you’re in, you are just another claim file number in their database. A factor in the equation of risk versus reward. If you’ve been the victim of an accident or injury, and now you’re being victimized by your insurance company, come to us. We have a history of putting the insurance companies in their place, and winning the maximum amount of money that our clients deserve. With our over 37 years of legal experience, we recently turned an initial $10,000 settlement offer from an insurance company into a $150,000 recovery for our client.

Have you or someone you know been denied money from an insurance company after an accident? If so, contact a New York Insurance Lawyer at Michael Gunzburg, P.C. today.

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You can’t predict an accident, but you can predict your insurance company’s response. Allstate insurance company is well known to “deny, delay and defend” their “soft tissue injury cases”. This is a systematic method on every case, where they deny everything, asking for authorizations and medical records multiple times and claiming that they never received them. Imagine how difficult it becomes to plead your case, when the company you are fighting against can’t even show proof of your claim! But we know the insurance companies’ tricks and we stay one step ahead of them. We recently went to trial with a client who was struck in the rear from a motor vehicle. He sustained soft tissue injuries to his right shoulder and left knee, as well as herniated discs to his upper and lower back. His injuries were confirmed by an MRI. Yet, since insurance companies are focused on their bottom line-and not the health of their clients, they often downplay injuries in court. In this case, they scoffed at the MRI results, saying that the client instead had just suffered sprains and strains, and offered a paltry $10,000 to settle his case. We took the case before a jury, and we brought the client back $150,000 in court settlement. We go above and beyond their cunning ploys to deny your claim and fight back to recover the maximum compensation that you deserve. At Michael Gunzburg, P.C. we have over 37 years of experience as New York Insurance Lawyers. Let us deal with the insurance companies, and get you the results you deserve.

Don’t just take our word for it. Investigate for yourself and you will quickly see a pattern. The American Association of Justice recently released a report entitled “The Ten Worst Insurance Companies in America: How They Raise Premiums, Deny Claims, and Refuse Insurance to Those Who Need It Most.” The report chose Allstate as the country’s worst insurer. It was Allstate’s very pattern of playing the game “deny, delay, defend” with claims that earned it a notorious reputation. Other guilty culprits cited in the list include: State Farm (#4), Farmers (#7) and Liberty Mutual (#10). If you have an insurance company that’s been playing games with you, come to the insurance company experts. Call Michael Gunzburg, P.C. and let our experienced group of personal injury lawyers take on your insurance nightmare. If you hire us, we’ll strive to let you walk away with dignity, justice and the kind of compensation that you deserve for your claim.

Have you or someone you know been denied money from an insurance company after an accident? If so, contact a New York Insurance Lawyer at Michael Gunzburg, P.C. today!

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