New York City Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Although they are the most fuel-efficient class of highway vehicles and can be enjoyable to ride, motorcycles are also often considered one of the most hazardous of all motor vehicles.
Motorcycles are substantially over-represented in fatal crashes in the United States, with the death rate per registered motorcycle more than three times than that of registered passenger cars.
New York City Motorcycle Accident Statistics
- Three quarters of motorcycle accidents involve a collision with another vehicle (most often a passenger automobile).
- Mechanical failure accounts for three percent of motorcycle accidents and is most often due to a puncture or flat tire.
- Animals are involved in one percent of motorcycle accidents.
- Roadway defects are responsible for two percent of motorcycle accidents.
- The majority of accidents are caused by the failure of other motorists to see motorcycles in traffic.
- Intersections are the most common place for a motorcycle accident.
- Weather is a factor in two percent of motorcycle accidents.
- Over 50 percent of motorcycle accidents result in fuel system leaks and spills that create a fire hazard.
- The average speed of a motorcycle involved in an accident is less than 30 miles per hour.
After a motorcycle accident you should be able to confidently call on a New York City motorcycle accident injury attorney, knowing that this legal professional will take the details of your accident very seriously, giving your case the attention it deserves so that you can focus on healing and preparing for a brighter future.
When you need a lawyer, get the Big Gunz™
At Michael Gunzburg, P.C., we are experienced in handling a variety of motorcycle accidents, including:
- Head injury (this risk is substantially reduced by wearing properly fitting, standards-approved head protection)
- Spinal injury
- Concussion
- Fractured hip
- Amputation or dismemberment
- Road rash (this can be minimized through the proper use of motorcycle-specific protective apparel, such as a leather jacket or reinforced denim and textile pants)
- Paralysis
- Biker’s arm (where nerves in the upper arm are damaged during a fall, causing a permanent paralysis of arm movement)
- Brain damage
- Broken bones (most common being shoulders and pelvis)
- Burns and scars
- Eye injuries or blindness
- Facial disfigurement (full-face helmet decreases the potential for facial injuries)
- Death
Our Manhattan fatal motorcycle accident lawyer is available to talk to you about your claim and insurance coverage questions. You need to talk with an experienced lawyer who can guide you with proper counseling and advice to get the answers you need.
Motorcycle accidents involve specific areas of insurance and state laws and regulations, so it is crucial that you contact an experienced and knowledgeable motorcycle lawyer as soon after an accident as possible.
Serving All Major Boroughs Of New York City
- Manhattan
- Brooklyn
- Queens
- Bronx
- Staten Island
Contact Our Manhattan Fatal Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
For personalized, efficient NY legal representation throughout Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island, call 212-725-8500 to schedule a free initial consultation or submit your information and questions online.