New York City Train Accident Lawyer
With increased delays at the airports and heightened security, more and more people are opting to travel by train and streamline the process of getting to their destination on time. Increased train traffic equals an increased probability of accidents. According to statistics, every 90 minutes in the United States a vehicle and a train collide. A case in point occurred on Nov. 10, 2004 when a car trying to beat a train near Graniteville, SC was struck and five people were killed. Trains have the potential for head-on collisions with other trains, vehicles or people. Railway fires and derailments are a common risk for train travelers as well. Even barges in some instances, have been known to collide with trains. Fox News reported that on September 22, 1993 a barge collided with an Amtrak train on a railroad bridge near Mobile, Alabama-killing forty-seven people. A head-on collision with a barge is not something that you could ever predict when you’re preparing for your trip. Our experienced team of New York train accident lawyers know that and we’re here to help. We understand that regardless of your best efforts to protect your child, there are times when preparation is not enough. Accidents catch you off guard and leave you in a state of chaos.
Let us put your fears to rest with a free initial consultation from one of our New York train accident lawyers and child subway accident lawyers today. Call us at 212-725-8500 now.
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The Federal Railroad Administration reported 67 train accidents in 2007, in New York alone! Across the country, hundreds of train accidents were recorded in a short 12-month time span. If you are an urban dweller, you know that high-speed rail trains aren’t your only concern. Subway cars have had recent issues with doors closing on passengers and continuing to travel. A tragic example was reported by the New York Times in 2006 when a man was caught in a New Jersey Transit train door and killed after being dragged along the platform at Bradley Beach. If you send your child off to school on the subways alone, you have reason to worry. The Federal Railroad Administration does not require commuter railroads to report incidents of doors opening while trains are in motion. What’s worse, the industry group that records these statistics does not require it as well!
You can take some preventative measures with train safety by following a few tips for you and your child from the Metropolitan Transit Authority:
- Stay behind the yellow caution lines while trains approach.
- During off-hours, avoid standing at the end of subway platforms or on an empty platform. Instead, wait in the Off-Hours Waiting Area which is generally located on the mezzanine level, near a station booth.
- Never place a stroller between subway doors to hold them open.
- When you’re on the platform, keep the stroller away from the edge and apply the stroller brake. Subway platforms tilt toward the tracks to allow for drainage, and the stroller could roll onto the tracks.
- Do not surf between subway cars. When trains go around sharp angles, you could be thrown on to the tracks. Furthermore, it’s illegal for you to do it.
For high-speed rail trains, Dallas Area Rapid Transit system offers some good advice that transcends state lines:
- Talk to your children about crossing tracks safely – “Stop, look and listen” is an important message for them to understand.
- Teach them about electricity and that playing near tracks is very dangerous.
- Hold children’s hands when crossing the street or tracks together.
- Take a field trip and go exploring, scheduling time to show your children rail tracks and the areas where it is safe to be and those where it is not safe.
As a parent, you have your hands full just making sure your child stays safe. We are parents too, and understand that. If your child has been unfortunately involved in a train or subway accident, we have experienced children train accident lawyers and child subway train accident lawyers here to assist you in anyway. The laws are always changing but our commitment to you and your family remains the same. Experience the difference that a dynamic and attentive New York Train Accident Law Firm can bring to you, your family and your case. Call us for a free initial consultation at 212-725-8500.