Surgical Malpractice in New York City: What Victims of Surgeon Mistakes Need to Know about Surgical Errors and What They Can Do to Get Justice under New York Laws

Undergoing surgery is no easy task for most New York City surgery patients. Between the idea of “going under” and not being conscious during a serious medical procedure, the fear of what might happen if something goes wrong, and the anxiety of undergoing the care and treatment to heal from the surgery all make getting surgery a frightening thing for many New York City surgery patients. In addition to the typical concerns that surgery patients may face as they gear up and prepare for their surgical procedure, some New York City surgery patients may also have concerns about the surgical care they will receive from their surgeon and medical team, and may wonder if they are in the best hands. While having such concerns prior to a major operation can induce further anxiety and distress, the truth of the matter is that while many surgeries performed in New York City are successful, sometimes surgical mistakes happen, and New York City surgery patients become surgical malpractice victims. But what exactly are surgical mistakes and what are some typical examples of such mistakes? And what can New York City surgical malpractice victims do if they are injured by their doctor and now seek justice? To help victims of surgical malpractice in New York City better understand how surgical malpractice happens and what they can do if they are injured by a surgeon’s malpractice under New York laws, we answer those questions here.
Surgical Errors – What are They? Common Examples of Surgical Mistakes
According to researchers in the field of the prevention of surgical errors, a surgical error is an “unintentional, preventable injury occurring in the perioperative period that is not considered a known acceptable risk of surgery and could have been avoided by following appropriate procedure-specific training protocols.” Surgical errors are a type of medical error, which is defined as “unintentional act, either by omission, where an action is not taken, or commission, where the wrong action is taken.” Some common examples of surgical errors include failing to remove foreign bodies from the patient, mislabeling, and “wrong-site, wrong-procedure, and wrong-patient errors.” When a surgical error is caused by a doctor or medical team’s malpractice – that is, failure to provide care to the standard set by the law due to a negligent act or failure to act – a New York City surgical malpractice victim may have rights and options to compensation under New York City medical malpractice laws.
Getting Justice for Surgical Malpractice in New York City
If you were injured by your surgeon or surgical medical team in New York City, it is important to speak to an experienced New York City surgical malpractice lawyer as soon as possible about your rights and options for compensation. The experienced New York City surgical malpractice lawyers at the law firm of Michael Gunzburg, P.C. are here to help New York City surgical malpractice victims get justice for their injuries and losses. Do not hesitate to contact a lawyer about your case today. Call Michael Gunzburg, P.C. and speak to an experienced New York City lawyer about your case now.